Who are Landstar Accountancy?
Landstar Accountancy are a London based Chartered Accountants who specialise in reclaiming overpaid Stamp Duty Land Tax. Our purpose is simple: to ensure that nobody pays more Stamp Duty than they should.
That’s why in 2013 Landstar Accountancy pioneered a no success, no fee Stamp Duty refund service and since then have reclaimed substantial amounts in overpaid Stamp Duty for clients.
What we do:
We provide a no success, no fee stamp duty reclaim service. These broadly fall into two categories: overpayment reclaims and 3% surcharge reclaims.
We fully review your purchase to ensure that you have paid the correct amount of Stamp Duty, using our simple three step process.
- REPORT: If we believe you have overpaid Stamp Duty we will prepare you a detailed tax report explaining why.
- RECLAIM: Once you have approved and understood that report we will then submit a detailed reclaim to HMRC.
- RECEIVE: HMRC then review the case and authorise the refund, in which you will receive a cheque refunding your overpaid Stamp Duty. Typically within 3 to 4 weeks of us submitting the reclaim.
A fee is only payable if you receive a refund from HMRC and is a small pre-agreed percentage of your refund. There are no hidden fees, just one simple success based fee payable only after you have received your refund.
Who we help:
We primarily work directly with property owners. This could be your main residence, a holiday home, or it could be an investment property or development project. We deal with both residential and non-residential properties all over the UK with a focus on properties with a purchase price of £1m or more.
We also regularly work with solicitors, accountants, agents and other professional advisors to provide specialist advice on Stamp Duty to their clients.
Who’s behind Landstar Accountancy?:
Landstar Accountancy is owned and directed by Chartered Accountant Phil Walters ACA. Having qualified at Big Four accountancy firm KPMG, where he was awarded prizes by the ICAEW for exam performance, Phil went on to specialise in property taxation at a well-respected regional firm during a period of rapid expansion. Phil’s practical business minded approach and client service levels led him to being awarded runner-up in the new accountant of the year category at the British Accountancy Awards.
Phil went on to setup Landstar Accountancy in 2013 and since then has focussed on the increasingly complex area of Stamp Duty Land Tax and is the go-to man for Stamp Duty advice for a number of solicitors, accountants, investors and developers.
See Phil’s LinkedIn profile here
Get in touch:
We’d love to hear from you so why not get in touch with us. Please note there is often a 12 month plus 14 days time limit to put in a reclaim:
Phone: 0203 3979 045
Email: contact@landstaraccountancy.co.uk
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